

Wonderful cast, wonderful band, Wonderful Life

River Valley Players (RVP) upcoming production of It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play has been in rehearsals at the Gard Theater. The cast includes Hannah Jo Anderson, Norah Barsness, Al Ikeler, Midred Eisenbrandt, Salem Joseph, Jenafer Lloyd Jones, Erin Milleville, Ari Pollock, Elijah Quigley, Lillian Quigley, Jackie Passant, Jay Rath, Amelia Royko Maurer, Nate Royko Maurer, Duke Stroud, Hildy Van Hallgren, Sam Van Hallgren, and Grace Vosen.  (Home News photo by Jay Rath)


School referendum on the docket for this coming spring

The River Valley School Board highlighted the leadership and efforts of Michelle (Missy) Mack and Cheryl Wittmann at their board meeting in November’s “Community Spotlight.” The spotlight award recognizes community members who have served above and beyond their role for having a positive impact on River Valley staff and students. Missy and Cheryl have served as River Valley Music Booster Club leaders for years.  In the past 14 years over $150,000 has been raised by the River Valley Music Boosters, which has provided funding for camps, trips, scholarships or expenses to support the music programing at River Valley. The schools are very thankful for their incredible devotion to the community, staff, and student body.  Mack and Wittmann are respected, appreciated, and help to make the River Valley School District a better place. In the photo are, from left to right,  Pam Gauger, Music Booster and school board member, Wittmann, Treasurer, Loren Glasbrenner, district administrator, and Mack, secretary. (Contributed photo)


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